Carmen Hernández 1964 in Ein Karem

Biographical notes – Carmen Hernández

Carmen Hernández 1964 in Ein Karem
Biographical notes – Carmen Hernández

In these biographical notes you are going to see an exceptional woman, very important for the Church, in love with Christ, with Scripture and with the Eucharist. She was clearly aware that God had given her the mission to support, defend and correct me, for the good of the Neocatechumenal Way.
I thank God for Carmen who has always told me the truth, constantly. She was very smart, a profound, authentic and free woman in her relationships with everyone. She loved Christ and the Church and the Pope, above all else.
We believe that Carmen is with the Lord, she is already in heaven. These biographical notes are not only for the brothers of the Way, but for the whole Church, to make known an extraordinary woman, who has lived the faith to a heroic degree. Carmen Hernández! (Kiko Argüello).

This is the first official biography of Carmen Hernández. On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the death of Carmen Hernández, July 19, 2021, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos (BAC) published her first official biography, written by Dr. Aquilino Cayuela Ph.D.