Pray to Carmen
Carmen was born in Ólvega (Soria) on November 24th 1930 and spent her childhood in Tudela (Navarra). She felt the call to be a missionary from an early age, influenced by the spirit of Saint Francis Xavier. She graduated in chemistry from the University of Madrid. For some years she was a member of the “Missionaries of Christ Jesus” and studied theology in Valencia. In 1964, she joined Kiko Argüello in the shanty town of Palomeras Altas in Madrid. While announcing the Gospel to the poor among whom they lived, the Lord led them to a theological-catechetical synthesis based on the Word of God, the Liturgy and the Community. This became the basis of the Neocatechumenal Way, whose Statute was approved by the Holy See in 2008. The Archbishop of Madrid at the time, His Grace Casimiro Morcillo, encouraged them to introduce this itinerary of Christian initiation in the parishes. For more than 50 years, together with Kiko Argüello, Carmen gave her life announcing the Gospel throughout the world. She had an immense love for Jesus Christ, the Church, the Virgin Mary, the Pope, the Liturgy, Sacred Scripture and the Jewish roots of Christianity. She died in Madrid on 19th July 2016.
To ask for graces and favors through the intercession of Carmen Hernández
Oh Lord,
that by electing the servant of God Carmen Hernández
as co-initiator of the Neocatechumenal Way,
granted her a great love for Jesus Christ and the Church,
for Holy Scripture and for liturgical prayer,
a burning zeal for the itinerant announcement of the Gospel
and fidelity to you in the trials of the cross;
grant that I, through her intercession,
may be faithful to the baptism I have received
and, if it is your will, also grant the grace I ask of you.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.
In conformity with the decrees of Pope Urban VIII, there is no intention of
anticipating in any way the authoritative judgment of the Church.