Carmen Hernández: “The need for prayer in the thought of Pius XII”
On the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the death of Carmen Hernandez, the publishing house Desclée de Brouwer has just published a book with the dissertation that Carmen did at the end of her studies of Religious Sciences in Valencia in 1960, entitled: “The need for prayer in the thought of Pius XII“.
Father Mario Pezzi, with a historical and theological introduction, presents Carmen’s study on the “need to pray” unceasingly that every Christian has in order to live united to the Lord at every moment of his life.
A particularly topical argument nowadays in this situation of social instability, due to the Covid pandemic and the consequences of the war between Russia and Ukraine.
Taking the words of Pope Pius XII, Carmen underlines:
“Make your prayer not just a few moments of the day or a few minutes of the week. You know from experience that no occupation, no work or fatigue interrupts the rhythm of your breathing; even when you are asleep, it continues to breathe, and woe to you if it were not so, and why should it not be the same with the breathing of the soul, which is prayer?”
Article at Alfa & Omega

In the diocese of Madrid, the Mass for the 6th anniversary of Carmen’s death will be celebrated on Tuesday, July 19, 2022, in the parish of St. Catherine Labouré, at 8:30 pm.